Eden brings you embedded AI on a cloudless platform
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Alejandra Delgado

Writer at IoE Corp
Published - 03/31/2023   |   Reading time - 7 min 36 sec

The world is changing rapidly and, with it, the way we move from place to place. As cities and communities grow, the challenges of providing sustainable, efficient, and safe transportation to citizens increase. Public transportation is an essential component of any transportation system, as it improves people's quality of life and increases economic growth for communities.

However, traditional public transport infrastructure faces numerous challenges, especially in sustainability, due to its impact on the environment and climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions, congestion, and high energy consumption are some of the main challenges the transport sector faces today; thus, it is essential to plan public transport infrastructure implementation.

Adopting embedded systems with advanced technology, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), is the best solution to meet all these challenges and build sustainable communities, as they can manage large amounts of equipment and data.

Benefits Of Public Transportation

Mobility from place to place has been essential for human society. As a civilization, we have maintained an evolution in conveyance, from riding horses and animal-drawn wheeled vehicles to electric and autonomous vehicles dawn. In addition, these factors have driven us to build public transportation infrastructures for faster and easier mobility. This has brought multiple benefits, such as:

There are different types of public transport infrastructures, such as buses, trains, subways, light rail, streetcars, and even bicycle lanes. However, we have developed transportation alternatives but have overlooked building adequate infrastructure. The increase in population and vehicles on the roads has grown exponentially, causing congestion and air pollution, affecting climate change and health. Each type of infrastructure has its own characteristics and sustainability challenges.

As a society, we have to commit to taking care of the planet for current and future generations, so it is crucial to address climate change.

The Importance Of Sustainable Public Transportation

Transportation is crucial to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it has a direct impact on multiple sustainable development aspects. Public transportation systems have a major role in shaping the social, economic, and environmental conditions of urban and rural areas worldwide.

The report “Transportation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from Global Experts”, published by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT). Explains the importance of transportation infrastructure to reach the SDGs, focusing on sustainable transport solutions.

The report talks about how addressing the sustainable challenges in transportation will help achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

  • SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being)
  • SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)
  • SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
  • SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and
  • SDG 13 (Climate Action)

Transportation can address multiple SDGs because it is linked to many areas of sustainable development. Achieving sustainable public transportation can help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as it helps to improve public health by enabling smart and sustainable public transport services.

Sustainable and integrated planning and development for a better public transportation infrastructure can provide reliable and affordable solutions for citizens, communities, and private companies involved in the transportation sector. It contributes to decreasing inequality and poverty by making job opportunities, education, and healthcare services accessible. In addition, it can lead to economic growth and urban development by reducing costs and new job opportunities.

Current Challenges In Public Transportation Infrastructure

Currently, transportation systems are facing multiple challenges that affect the environment, health, and economic growth worldwide. To ensure a sustainable public transportation infrastructure and more effective mobility services several challenges require action, such as the following:

  • Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions

Public transportation systems require large amounts of energy to operate; moreover, most energy utilized is still from non-renewable sources. These factors have contributed to climate change.

  • Roads, railways, and land use

Public transport infrastructure requires land for routes and stations, impacting the environment and community surroundings.

  • Infrastructure improvements and maintenance

The development of public transport infrastructure, such as roads, railways, bus depots, etc., has a big impact on the environment and climate change. Therefore require planning, investment, and coordination by the government and private companies involved in public transport services.

Embedded Systems For Transportation Infrastructure Solutions

The integration of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other embedded technologies has the potential to transform a traditional infrastructure into a smart and sustainable transportation infrastructure. These advanced technologies can help handle sustainable, operational, and cost-effective challenges while enhancing citizen public transportation services by providing real-time information for their mobility.

Embedded systems with AI can provide multiple solutions, using algorithms to analyze data from sensors embedded in the infrastructure and public vehicles. For example, predictive maintenance can help operators predict when maintenance is required and reduces energy consumption, and gas emissions, resulting in improved system reliability.

Another solution is to use embedded systems that have AI integrated into sensors, equipment, vehicles, and other devices to optimize routes and schedules. Analyzing real-time data on passenger habits and traffic patterns can improve services, reduce energy consumption and congestion, and improve travel times.

Additionally, the transition to electric or low-emission vehicles, for example, electric buses or trains powered by renewable energies, help reduce greenhouse gas emissions improving air quality. An additional solution is to improve the operational public transport systems' efficiency, such as improved routing and coordination of mixed types of transport. That will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, reducing congestion, and improving the overall transport systems' operational efficiency.

In addition, by improving the public transport services accessibility and affordability, such as increasing service frequency and enhancing connectivity for real-time information, public transportation can make a difference too.

Adopting all these solutions is vital for public transportation infrastructure in any city or small community. For governments to provide sustainable and active mobility, address climate change, improve public health, reduce inequalities, and contribute to economic growth. They must transition to advanced technologies and partner with IT companies and organizations involved in the transportation sector to adopt the best solutions.

Eden, A Sustainable Embedded System

Internet of Everything Corporation (IoE Corp) offers the Eden system, an embedded system that provides sustainable solutions to address the multiple challenges of public transportation infrastructure. Eden system includes a range of advanced technologies that enable a wide range of smart and sustainable solutions. IoT sensors are used to collect real-time data infrastructure to monitor performance and assets, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) analytics, to identify patterns and predict maintenance.

All of these, provide the best security for handling your data because it's designed in a decentralized infrastructure that manages the data across all the nodes in the network. Making it more difficult for cyberattacks, by mitigating a central point of attack. Eden system uses blockchain technology to secure and authenticate transactions, providing a tamper-resistant data record and activity within the system. This combination of decentralization and blockchain technology helps to ensure data and entire system security and integrity.

Eden system provides the technology necessary for developing sustainable transportation solutions, such as:

  • Real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance

The Eden system uses IoT sensors to collect data on transportation performance assets such as buses and trains. This data can be analyzed using AI algorithms to identify patterns and predict maintenance needs before they can become critical. By identifying maintenance needs in advance, the Eden system can reduce the probability of breakdowns and extend transportation assets' lifecycles providing more sustainable transportation infrastructure.

  • Energy optimization

Eden system includes functions to optimize energy consumption in transport infrastructures. For example, it can be used to optimize routes and schedules to reduce energy consumption and emissions. In addition, the system can be used to monitor and control energy consumption at stations and depots, to ensure that energy is used efficiently and sustainably.

  • Waste management

The Eden system provides solutions to manage the waste generated by public transport systems. It can be used to monitor station garbage cans to ensure they are emptied at the right time and reduce the risk of overflow and littering. Moreover, the system can be applied to track and manage hazardous waste disposal, such as batteries and electronics, safely and sustainably.

  • Passenger experience

The Eden system can help improve the passenger experience by providing real-time information on transportation schedules and delays. This can reduce waiting times and improve public transport systems and services efficiency, resulting in more sustainable infrastructure and reducing the number of private vehicles on the road.

Furthermore, with our Planet Partner program, you have access to the Eden system, and the expertise to develop and implement embedded solutions helping to improve infrastructure's sustainability and efficiency. As well as support, training, upgrades, and the opportunity of creating a collaborative ecosystem.

We would be happy to discuss the range of solutions you can develop. Start your sustainable journey with us; you can apply here to join our Planet Partner program.

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