Eden brings you embedded AI on a cloudless platform
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Guillermo Pérez Vera

Writer at IoE Corp
Published - 03/03/2023   |   Reading time - 6 min 56 sec

Integrating embedded technology and sensors in healthcare facilities has become a powerful tool to improve patient care, optimize operations, and reduce costs. The concept of "connected hospitals" has emerged as a promising model for improving operational efficiency. A connected hospital is one in which all aspects of patient care are seamlessly integrated through digital tools and embedded technologies.

In this article, we will explore the key features of connected hospitals and the benefits they offer to patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare systems.

Benefits of Connected Hospitals

Connected hospitals and embedded technologies have numerous benefits. We can make faster and more informed decisions by providing healthcare professionals with real-time data about patients, doctors, and nurses. Smart devices can continuously monitor a patient's vital signs and alert medical staff if any changes or abnormalities occur. This early warning system can help prevent medical emergencies and improve patient outcomes.

Connected technologies in healthcare can also optimize facility operations. Sensors can monitor the use of medical equipment, such as MRI machines and X-ray scanners, to ensure that they are being used efficiently. By tracking the usage patterns of these devices, hospitals can identify opportunities to optimize their use and even reduce downtime during maintenance.

Reducing Healthcare Costs

In addition to improving patient care and optimizing operations, connected hospitals can also help reduce costs associated with medical errors, which can significantly drain resources. With the help of connected devices, healthcare providers can improve patient safety by providing more accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment. This can help to reduce the length of hospital stays, avoid unnecessary procedures and treatments, prevent reinfection, and ultimately lower the overall cost of care.

Connected hospitals can also reduce costs by streamlining administrative processes and reducing paperwork. Hospitals can save time and money by digitizing patient records and automating administrative tasks, improving accuracy and efficiency. This can help reduce errors and enhance the quality of care while freeing staff to focus on more critical tasks, such as patient care.

Furthermore, by leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), connected hospitals can identify patterns and trends in patient care that can help to prevent future health issues. Healthcare providers can provide targeted interventions to avoid costly complications and hospitalizations by detecting potential health risks early.

Overall, using connected technologies in healthcare can provide numerous benefits, including reducing healthcare costs. By leveraging real-time data and insights, healthcare providers can make informed decisions about resource allocation and utilization and streamline administrative processes. With the right approach, connected hospitals can revolutionize the healthcare industry and improve access to quality care for patients worldwide.

Reducing the Risk of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Another benefit of connected hospitals is that they can help reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). HAIs are a severe problem in healthcare facilities, with an estimated 1.7 million cases annually in the US. Embedded sensors can monitor the cleanliness of hospital rooms and alert staff when they need to be cleaned. Embedded AI can be trained to detect the number of people in a particular hospital zone and kick air purification into gear via the HVAC system when that number exceeds a specific threshold, keeping the air cleaner.

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “there were an estimated 687,000 HAIs in U.S. acute care hospitals in 2015. About 72,000 hospital patients with HAIs died during their hospitalizations”¹. These complications range between $28 billion and $45 billion in annual direct hospital costs in the US.

No doctor wants to tell a patient's family that their surgery went great, but their loved one died because of an HAI complication unrelated to the surgery. Hospitals can improve patient outcomes by reducing the risk of HAIs and drastically reduce infections and possible consequences during hospitalizations.

Remote Patient Monitoring

One of the key benefits of connected hospitals is that they enable remote patient monitoring. Patients with chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, require ongoing care and monitoring. Smart devices can monitor a patient's vital signs, medication use, and other health indicators. This data can be transmitted to healthcare professionals in real-time, enabling them to make informed decisions about patient care. Remote patient monitoring can also reduce the need for in-person appointments, which can be time-consuming and costly for patients.

Improving Patient Safety

Embedded systems and sensors are also helping to improve patient safety. RFID tags on medical equipment and supplies can help ensure the right equipment gets used for the right patient. This can help prevent medication errors and other medical mistakes.

In addition to RFID tags, embedded tech, and sensors can help monitor patient movement within the hospital and prevent accidents. By implementing smart bed sensors, hospital staff can be alerted when a patient is attempting to leave the bed, which can reduce the risk of falls and other accidents. Embedded sensors can also monitor the temperature and humidity in patient rooms, alerting hospital staff to potential environmental hazards that may affect patient health.

Furthermore, by providing healthcare professionals with access to real-time patient data, embedded tech can help medical professionals make more informed decisions about patient care and help prevent unnecessary medical procedures or treatments. By leveraging the power of embedded systems, healthcare institutions can help provide a safer and more secure environment for patients while also helping to optimize operations and patient safety.

The Role of Embedded AI in Connected Hospitals

Embedded intelligence plays a critical role in the functioning of connected hospitals. By leveraging sensors, artificial intelligence (AI), and other advanced technologies, healthcare providers can collect and analyze vast amounts of patient data in real-time, allowing for more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans. For example, AI algorithms can analyze patient data to identify those at risk of developing complications, such as infections or other medical conditions.

Embedded intelligence also helps to optimize hospital workflows, automating routine tasks and streamlining communications between care team members.

Internet of Everything Corp's Embedded Technology Solution

Internet of Everything Corp's Eden solution is a powerful tool for healthcare facilities looking to adopt embedded AI in connected hospitals. Eden tech provides a platform for integrating smart devices and sensors, enabling healthcare professionals to access real-time data about patient health, medical equipment, and facility operations. With Eden's embedded technology, healthcare facilities can optimize workflows, reduce errors, and improve patient care overall.

Eden's AI-powered data analytics can also help healthcare providers to make more informed decisions, providing insights into patient needs, resource allocation, and healthcare trends. Additionally, the solution's advanced security features ensure that patient data is protected and compliant with regulatory requirements.

The result is a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that empowers healthcare providers to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and reduce costs. As healthcare becomes increasingly digitized, solutions like Eden will play an increasingly important role in ensuring that healthcare facilities remain competitive and effective in an ever-evolving landscape.


In conclusion, connected hospitals and embedded technologies are transforming the healthcare industry by improving patient health, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. By leveraging the power of this technology, sensors, and AI, healthcare providers can collect and analyze enormous amounts of patient data in real time, providing personalized treatment plans, predicting potential health risks, and automating routine tasks. Additionally, embedded technology is key in reducing the risk of hospital-acquired infections and optimizing hospital workflows.

As healthcare continues to evolve, solutions like EDEN are helping to ensure that healthcare facilities remain competitive and effective in meeting the needs of patients and healthcare providers. Adopting connected hospitals and embedded tech is critical to creating a more sustainable, efficient, and effective healthcare system.

Partnering with Internet of Everything Corp

Partnering with Internet of Everything Corp can provide healthcare institutions with numerous benefits. With Eden's solution, healthcare professionals can access real-time data about patient health, medical equipment, and facility operations. By partnering with Internet of Everything Corp, healthcare institutions can gain access to the latest embedded and AI technologies, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve and provide better care to patients.

Additionally, Internet of Everything Corp's team of experts can provide guidance and support to healthcare institutions, ensuring a smooth implementation and successful deployment of embedded AI technologies. Partnering with Internet of Everything Corp can help healthcare institutions achieve their goals of providing high-quality care to patients, optimizing operations, and reducing costs.

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  1. Data Portal (2022) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/hai/data/portal/index.html (Accessed: March 1, 2023).
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