Eden brings you embedded AI on a cloudless platform
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Alejandra Delgado

Writer at IoE Corp
Published - 02/22/2023   |   Reading time - 7 min 14 sec

The invention of vehicles was one of the most fundamental innovations for the human race. Previously built by hand in a long slow process, the industrial revolution changed the game for the industry, allowing significant steps toward modern and innovative designs. Since then, there has been no stoppage of automotive improvements, inventions, and innovations. But as this industry started its advancement, there has been the necessity for continuously improving safety considerations.

Improving automotive safety systems is essential because it is vital to take all possible actions to save lives, prevent accidents, meet regulatory requirements, provide fair prices, and respond to customer demands, which are significantly increasing in the purchase process.

All these matters have pushed the development and implementation of advanced technology for automotive safety. This is such a crucial objective that we must leverage their potential to improve safety systems for changing driving conditions. And, at the same time, lead to savings on cost production.

Therefore, automotive companies are heavily investing in innovative technologies for vehicle automation in private and commercial vehicles transporting passengers and goods. Also, while researching and improving automation, they facilitate and improve vehicular systems for better and safer driving; for example, upgrade systems like Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), GPS, advanced lighting systems, or Autonomous driving (AD).

What Are the Automotive Safety Challenges We Have Today?

As we know, the main concern in automotive safety is preventing the most loss of life possible. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020, the United States suffered 38,824 human fatalities due to car accidents; this is why it is of primary concern to prevent as many accidents and deaths as possible.

But there are other central challenges to consider, such as the following:

  • Human error

Even with the use of technology, human errors are a huge reason for accidents on the road because of distracted driving, impaired driving, and driver fatigue. We can still improve safety systems to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities caused by vehicles.

  • Cybersecurity and data privacy

While using connectivity is increasing in vehicles, it also increases the risk of cyberattacks. So, there is a need for safer computer systems; to reduce the compromise of the owner's data privacy and the general security of the vehicle.

  • Compatibility of technologies

The rapid advancement in innovative technologies has facilitated the development of better embedded technology to incorporate into vehicles. Therefore, there is also the necessity to keep improving the compatibility of systems to ensure more effectiveness.

  • Regulatory requirements

In many countries, there are mandatory regulations for vehicle safety, and some also have safety rules for certain vehicle features. As autonomous and improved vehicles keep selling, there is a need for developing and implementing these advanced features with safety protocols.

  • Cost and affordability

The use of innovative and advanced technology makes it difficult for some people to afford upgraded vehicles, so not everyone on the road has the newest safety improvements. Also, the technology may not even be available in less developed countries.

  • Economic benefits

More advancements in safety systems and procedures can lead to minimizing healthcare costs for individuals and families because of fewer accidents and reduced insurance prices for vehicles. As well as reducing costs to the government for road reconstruction after damage and investing in improving the road infrastructure is crucial to enhance automotive safety.

Why Innovating Technology is Key to Improving Automotive Safety Systems

Due to the pandemic, we are facing a period with more and faster technological changes than in previous years. Everything has accelerated; the global approach is to try to "be prepared" for anything. And that is why one of the key priorities in the automotive industry is automotive safety.

Technological advancements and updates in government regulations to reduce road death tolls are some aspects leading to upgrades in automotive safety systems. These include various products, such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), self-driving cars, and vehicle security systems.

One of the most advanced and improved tools for safe driving is ADAS. ADAS is an embedded system combining various advanced technologies, such as environment sensors (like radar, laser, and vision), AI, machine learning, GPS, and vehicle sensors to help assist drivers when they cannot recognize the situation. It works semi-autonomously, taking action when a driver doesn't pay attention, making circumstances safer while driving.

There are other improvements made in electric and hybrid vehicles and other embedded systems, such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication, Aunotmous Driving (AD), or Advanced Lighting Systems.

Some aspects to strengthen in 2023 are:

Adopt the Best Technology to Transform Your Business

As we have mentioned, technology is changing quickly and constantly, especially in the automotive industry. Technological partners are vital for adapting operational software development tools and enhancing process abilities in a dynamic context. But choosing which partner is the best for your company can be very complex.

Technology adoption is about evolving with innovation; therefore, the decision-making process should be based on how technology will allow growth in the four main components of your business: physical devices, systems, people, and data. The aspects to consider for technology choice are that it has to be innovative, reliable, safe, and cost-effective, allowing you to prepare for short and long-term goals.

The best technology for these complex and essential products and services is a decentralized system, which will help you improve every element of your business by interconnecting all your devices, allowing you to design and develop the most effective solutions.

Benefits of a Decentralized System

The main benefits of a decentralized system are the following:

  • Control over your data

A decentralized system gives the same authority and control to all the users in the network. Since there is no central point of attack like the traditional “cloud,” you don't need to rely on a third party, making the control and management of the information safer.

  • Resilient to failure

Not having a central server makes the infrastructure more efficient and safer because there are no single points of failure. The nodes connected are independent of each other; if any of them fails, the other ones will keep the network functioning properly.

By not having a central server, you get all resources distributed among the nodes connected to the network. As nodes get added, the resources grow, making the system easier to scale by sharing all the resources in the network across the nodes.

  • Cost efficient

A decentralized system allows you to save on storage and bandwidth costs by having a network with shared resources and because there is no need to pay for an expensive centralized server to send and store your data.

At IoE Corp, we have designed the Eden system, a decentralized, virtual, and sustainable infrastructure that allows managing data in real-time. Virtualization allows operating multiple Virtual Machines (VM) on a single physical server, making scalability easier, and providing isolation for each server, adding security since authorization is needed to access any of the servers.

The Eden System offers a secure orchestration because it is fully decentralized, so there is no central server to attack. Also, malware detection in any nodes gets done via data transfer checksum consensus on the blockchain. Meanwhile, verification and sanity checks detect bad data and player attacks.

Scaling can be accomplished easily on Eden; you provide the size of the starting cluster of nodes, and the system will optimize how much CPU and memory (RAM) each task needs. In addition, it delivers self-healing characteristics, as it re-starts DePos (decentralized pods) that fail and replaces them quickly, and can kill the ones that don't respond to the service.

Furthermore, you can describe the desired state (rules, policies, and logic) for your deployed services using Service Manifests. Eden includes a series of independent and compatible AI-controlled processes that continuously monitor the Service Manifests' current state, delivering the desired state at all times.

By joining our Planet Partner program, you will have access to this innovative technology, updates, training, and support for your staff.

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