Eden brings you embedded AI on a cloudless platform
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IoE Corp

Published - 09/16/2022|Reading time - 7 min 42 sec

Today, Internet of Everything Corp (IoE Corp) builds not only groundbreaking massive Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, via the Internet of Everything (IoE), but also energy consumption evaluators and waste recycling products. A proposal that understands that IoT has to be set on human first foundations, protecting users and keeping billions of people safe and happy.

Building on the achievements of the Internet, and the growing implementation of IoT devices, IoE Corp is working on a next generation of clustered computing that will be the most powerful ever built. Capable of predicting and helping humanity achieve the goal of sustainability here on Earth, our mother planet.

These solutions are built on a decentralized network that eliminates the huge “cloud” energy consumption that has been implemented on the Internet and currently within the IoT and IoE. Having this set of practices available means the immense centralized “clouds” that rule the sphere today, and produce insane amounts of energy consumption, can be eradicated.

IoE Corp’s Eden System solution for the IoT space has the foundations to create a human-first network where energy conservation is paramount. It’s a solution that solves the issue of moving data from millions of devices to a central point and then moving the data back out to the devices again. An action that not only performs better, but also reduces energy consumption.

IoE Corp believes full immersive progress leads to positive social change and better societies that are fully aware of the need to prioritize on energy efficiency. As such, the Internet of Everything is the pivotal breakthrough needed to achieve global sustainability, which subsequently leads to a seamless energy-conservation society.

Being it so, the Internet of Everything Corp (IoE Corp), brings to the forefront an Internet of Everything cored on sustainability, scalability, and ease-of-use. Built to help the next generation of technology to truly compromise itself with energy conservation, i.e., carbon emission levels. A solution that revolves around decentralization through computing at the source.

IoE Corp’s Sustainable Computing

One of the fundamental pillars in which IoE Corp builds its breakthrough technology, resides in a well-thought-through sustainable computing approach. Observing current Information Technology and Communications (ITC) energy consumption, indicates that it hasn’t become an asset for the reduction of CO2 emissions.

·Forecasts say that Information and Communications Technology could create up to 3.5% of global emissions by 2025 - surpassing both aviation and shipping.

Having these figures as a reference, it is obvious that current ITC solutions need to change, and one of the major forces powered by big corporate tech businesses is cloud service providers. These services are web services that provide to all industry verticals the possibility of storing, processing, analyzing, and moving data. Giving companies a way to manage their data without the need to build their own servers, as this in many cases is a cost that cannot be withstood by all companies.

A great solution when it comes to websites, databases, or e-commerce, but the rise of IoT devices deployment, leading the way to Industry 4.0 is presenting a new paradigm. The great amount of data generation that comes from IoT devices and sensors, is becoming overwhelming for cloud service providers. To the extent that security, privacy, cost-efficiency, and sustainability have become great issues for cloud data management.

With this reality has IoE Corp built its sustainable computing approach, with a decentralized software core working at the source. This solution uses the IoT devices’ power to create a compute cluster onsite, and keeps the data safe and immutable by means of a quantum safe blockchain. Rises to the challenge of ITC’s energy waste, as it uses a knowledge-based AI to process data, and turn it into data to information refinement.

By having a compute cluster of devices working at the source, with no need to move data to a given point that might be thousands of kilometers away. The necessity of server centers, i.e., cloud services providers, is reduced immensely, deleting the high energy consumption produced by these centralized computing centers.

· Cloud Service Providers (CSP) - To understand the high energy usage of CSP’s, servers lose approximately one-third of their power as heat.

Taking into account that top tier cloud service providers' data centers can harbor millions of servers, the heat generated is extremely high. To counter the heat, cooling systems have to be implemented in the server centers, which result in high energy usage just to keep servers at functional temperature rates.

This scenario within IoT’s exponential growth is not sustainable from the point of view of energy conservation and the costs for those who contract a cloud service provider. IoE Corp is here to change the paradigm and transition the IoT deployment to a decentralized compute cluster that resides onsite. A viable possibility because onsite networks of devices, sensors, and computers can be empowered inside a cluster that is kept secure and function via knowledge-based AI and blockchain technology.

IoT becoming an asset for energy conservation

The benefits that Internet of Things (IoT) brings to all industry verticals is undoubtable, as a result it helps corporations keep accurate tracking of their infrastructure. As an example, IoT sensors can offer predictive analytics for maintenance or provide data to information that helps companies become more efficient and energy waste is decreased.

In combination with the innovative breakthrough technology that Internet of Everything Corporation has developed, energy conservation can be attainable and reachable within the UN’s SDGs by 2030. To put it in practical terms, large or massive IoT deployments, such as Smart City Projects, can benefit from IoT and at the same time reduce carbon emissions becoming an asset for earth's pledge to become a greener planet.

A good example of such a paradigm shift can be seen within city traffic management, as an intersection is at most times empty, but has short periods of intense rushes. Therefore, constantly using full computing is automatically being wasteful, taking into consideration that AI and Computing can, if not properly planned, be extremely heavy and wasteful of CPU resources.

The above example can be applied to all IoT devices deployments, as in most cases the data generated by devices and sensors have very little to no change. In smart housing, IoT devices like a thermostat produce thousands of temperature data points per minute, but this data generation isn’t required to be available on the cloud, as the changes are insignificant. This way, cloud infrastructure needs are reduced in three ways:

· Firstly, less network traffic.
· Secondly, less central storage.
· Thirdly, less computational power.

As a result, clustered edge computing makes use of all the capable hardware available in the cluster. E.g., in a smart home, all the data could stay within the house and be used on site. Only the small part of the data truly needed accessible from anywhere would be synchronized externally, as explained through the thermostat example.​​

Clustered edge computing enables the smart home to work fast, efficiently, and autonomous from a working internet connection. In addition, the smart homeowner can keep the private data to him/herself and is less vulnerable to cyberattacks.

IoE Corp’s computing usage

Another important factor to take into account when eliminating energy waste from large IoT deployments, is the computing language used. In computing, there are basically two choices of how to run code, compiled code and interpreted code:

· Compiled code - Uses a compiler that produces a binary of machine code. The binary is then run directly on the hardware through the OS, examples of compiled code include, C, C++, Rust.
· Interpreting code - It is a virtual machine that on the fly creates the machine code. This virtual step requires a lot more CPU loops. Examples of interpreting code are Python and JavaScript.

As a recent study on programming languages’ energy efficiency has shown, compiled code is a much better choice as its electricity consumption is lower than interpreting code. “It is common knowledge that these top three languages (C, C++, and Rust) are known to be heavily optimized and efficient for execution performance, …” IoE Corp’s choice of computer language is Rust.

IoE Corp paves the way in energy conservation

Adjusting to these energy conservation premises, IoT’s full potential can be reached and with the Internet of Everything orchestrating data generation within a holistic approach. The promise of technology being an asset to better human standards of living through a focus on lowering carbon emissions, is closer to becoming a reality.

In conclusion, what is required for IoT to help energy conservation is a change in tech infrastructure. It is necessary to understand that current centralized solutions are not going to be able to withstand the exponential growth of data generated by IoT devices and sensors. As the investment and energy expenditure it needs isn’t sustainable in time.

Server centers are a great option when it comes to web services such as websites, e-commerce, or search engines. But this isn’t what IoT is about, as automated sensors and devices are being used for massive physical projects, like cities, construction sites, traffic management, healthcare systems, hospitals, and aerospace and defense. Therefore, the amount of data generated by these physical projects is extremely higher than the ones generated by a website or an e-commerce.

IoE Corp’s Eden System is a ready-to-use decentralized tech that can help accelerate the IoT devices deployment within a sustainable, secure, cost-efficient, and private infrastructure, resulting in IoT helping to increase energy conservation.

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