Eden brings you embedded AI on a cloudless platform
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IoE Corp

Published - 10/14/2022|Reading time - 6 min 20 sec

Our growing garbage mounts worldwide are a sickness to our societies and ecosystem, an incubator of diseases, and environmental damage. It is a concern that is understood by the Internet of Everything Corp (IoE Corp) and in which we can lead the path to make it a real asset. This perception is not new, and countries like Sweden and Norway are taking action.

The Internet of Everything Corp’s vision is to provide a clear, easy, and fast path towards assuring the rethinking of garbage to transform it into a commodity. We can prompt this transformation through our technological solution that ignites a human-tech approach, where individuals can gain from the action of recycling.

In this sense, we provide tangible benefits for individuals who are conscious of garbage and, at the same time, grab the attention of those who perceive it as a waste of their time. In practical terms, this is achievable through our network, The Eden System, because of its decentralized foundations that run and store data on a quantum-safe blockchain.

Actioning IoE Corp’s solutions, e.g., the blockchain, offers an immutable, fast, cost-efficient, scalable, and sustainable tool to keep track of garbage for individuals, institutions, governments, and corporations. Subsequently, creating trusted data walled gardens allows the users to access their garbage track records.

Simultaneously, this path also leads to a more sustainable planet that drives toward the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IoE Corp is here to lead the way on the road to achieving a better present for us and a better future for our children. We are building the foundations that the 21st century requires, healing our planet.

An achievable goal that relies on the Internet of Everything (IoE) to conduct the way through the use of a well-designed Edge Computing platform. Distributed computers/nodes transmit data through a quantum-safe blockchain and at a decentralized level, also lowering the carbon footprint of the current technological centralized industry.

Implementing pioneers’ strategy to reuse garbage globally

As we indicated in the introduction, the innovative approach to reuse garbage has a minimal scope, as only a few countries are implementing the processes. The path from waste to energy requires a well-thought-out strategy transforming infrastructure, education, accessibility, and incentives.

Looking at strategies used by reuse garbage pioneers, we can observe a timeline dating back to the mid-20th century, introducing a cohesive recycling policy implemented over time. The same procedure is used in the education strategy; from a very young age, children are taught to recycle. For example, in Sweden, there is a national day on which children gather to pick up litter and clean up their surroundings.

Accessibility and convenience play an enormous role in getting the whole community involved; therefore, providing a well-planned infrastructure offering recycling posts in nearby residential areas is vital. In addition, incentives such as discount vouchers for using nearby recycling machines boost citizenship involvement. Another motivation in new urban developments is that waste chutes have been designed to channel trash straight into waste-to-energy incinerators. Residents' waste is directly transformed into energy for their homes.

Actioning these processes has given, for example, Sweden, a reduction of its carbon dioxide emissions by 2.2 million tonnes a year by converting its waste into energy:

· 1990-2006 - carbon dioxide emissions went down by 34%
· 1990-2020 - greenhouse gas emissions are projected to fall by 76%

To apply this strategy globally, governments need to work together with their citizens and transform infrastructure, education and social mindsets.

The rise of technology as an asset

Today, technological advancements can offer excellent opportunities to empower and accelerate the process of turning waste into energy. The Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and automation are bringing immense possibilities, to cost-efficiently and sustainably enhance human living standards and the ecosystem.

There are still issues that need to be tackled to for-fill the promise of technology to become an asset for humankind and the planet. In this sense, IoE Corp’s approach is helping IoT devices deployment reach is full potential, implementing a knowledge-based AI working at the source. A crucial step to develop IoT’s curve, as current solutions, are web-based cloud services providers which present various impediments:

· Built for Web services
· Centralized Processing
· Unconditional data round trips
· No Security or Privacy responsibility
· Unknown costs (CPU, Storage, Net)

In contrast, IoE Corp Eden has been developed with these issues in mind, resulting in:

· Built for Autonomous Services
· At the Edge
· Local Clusterized processing
· Security and Privacy contained
· Fixed License fees

Implementing IoE Corp Eden into rethinking garbage strategy offers a technology that seamlessly adapts to present and future necessities. Giving cities, countries, and the planet a well-thought-after tech infrastructure that liberates decision-makers from the burden of choosing the correct cloud services provider; which as you can see is a complex decision, that doesn’t assure results. Let’s dig into these problems in more detail.

Built for Web services

What does it mean to be built for web services and its difficulties? The so-called Cloud technology was first introduced to solve data management problems that resided inside the web. As such, the introduction of IoT into all industry verticals is producing vast amounts of data, which is overwhelming the capacity server centers have to manage data generation.

Centralized Processing

Server centers or cloud service providers via cloud computing is grounded within a centralized processing infrastructure. In other words, all data generated is moved to a server center to be stored, processed, analyzed and moved back to the source. A functionality that for web-based services doesn’t create huge issues, because data generation is minute compared to, say, a city or critical infrastructure, e.g., traffic, electrical grids, or water and wastewater treatments plants.

Unconditional data round trips

As a consequence of centralized processing, data is forced to go through unconditional round trips. A solution that in most cases isn’t necessary when looking at massive IoT deployments like traffic lights, or hospital air quality sensors. The problems arising from this procedure relates to latency or bottlenecks, that essentially don’t assure real-time data.

No Security or Privacy responsibility

Data security and privacy isn’t a first-thinking implementation in current web-based solutions, creating life-threatening risks when it comes to Industry 4.0. As the web isn’t a secure infrastructure and IoT devices send data through the web, cybercriminals are capable of finding system weaknesses and access critical data from, e.g., healthcare systems or national infrastructure.

Unknown costs (CPU, Storage, Net)

The unknown or hidden costs are closely related to the centralized data processing. Because data generation is moved in bulks, cities can find themselves moving immense amounts of data at a given moment causing astronomical CPU, storage, and net costs. These situations can break cities digital transformation budgets, costing city dwellers unviable tax payments to sustain their smart city.

IoE Corp Eden built for massive IoT

IoE Eden technology is built consciously to withstand the requirements of massive IoT deployments. Providing solutions grounded on a decentralized software infrastructure that uses a blockchain to keep data immutable, secure, and private. In addition, Eden’s blockchain is quantum-safe and has a built-in knowledge-based AI capable of storing, processing, and analyzing data at the source.

An online private garden, assuring cost-efficiency, seamless adoption, and sustainable computing at the source. In essence, it offers security because of its decentralized nature, making it practically impossible for cybercriminals to access the system. Reduces cost as data doesn’t need to be moved to server centers and consequently mitigates latency and bottlenecks.

Eden presents a groundbreaking solution applicable to all industry verticals, thus, being a viable approach to expand the rethinking garbage strategy on a worldwide scale. Having already effective benchmark strategies toward the path of rethinking garbage to make of it an asset in the environmental pledge, to follow like Sweden and Norway. IoE Corp Eden System helps to reach the UN’s SDGs.

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