Eden brings you embedded AI on a cloudless platform
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Ola Brising

Lead Editor at IoE Corp
Published - 02/13/2023|Reading time - 8 min 18 sec

Digital healthcare apps let patients schedule appointments without the need to call a doctor’s office, and doctors carry information with them on their smartphones. IoT is a blessing for healthcare, but there are also some serious security and privacy concerns. At IoE Corp, we have developed a decentralized and scalable solution to these problems.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how healthcare is delivered and received, offering new and innovative solutions for patients, healthcare providers, and administrators. With the increasing use of connected devices, from wearable health monitors to smart medical devices, IoT is helping to improve patient outcomes and create a more efficient and effective healthcare system.

The blessing of IoT

One of the most significant benefits of IoT in healthcare is the ability to collect and analyze data in real time. Wearable devices, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, can monitor a patient's activity levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns, providing valuable information for healthcare providers. This data can be used to identify potential health problems early on and allow for prompt treatment.

At the same time, IoT makes remote patient monitoring possible. With the help of wearable devices and connected medical devices, healthcare providers can monitor patients from a distance, reducing the need for in-person visits and hospital stays. This increases access to care for those in remote or underserved areas but also helps to reduce healthcare costs by reducing the need for expensive hospital stays.

IoT is revolutionizing the way medical devices are used and managed. Connected devices can communicate with each other, providing real-time updates on patient status, medication schedules, and treatment plans. Smart healthcare providers can then make more informed decisions and respond more quickly to changes in a patient's condition.

In addition, IoT is helping to streamline administrative tasks, such as tracking and managing medical supplies, equipment, and patient records. With the use of connected devices and sensors, healthcare providers can more easily keep track of inventory levels, reducing waste and increasing efficiency.

Security issues

Despite these great benefits, there are some serious challenges to overcome when discussing IoT integration in healthcare. Privacy and security concerns, particularly when it comes to the handling of sensitive medical data, are the biggest direct challenges. To address these issues, it is important to ensure that all IoT devices used in healthcare are secure and that patient data is protected and kept confidential.

One major security concern is the vulnerability of connected devices. Many IoT devices, including medical devices and wearable health monitors, have limited security features and can be easily hacked. This leaves sensitive medical information and patient data at risk of unauthorized access and exploitation.

Another issue is the potential for cyberattacks on healthcare networks. Hackers may target hospital systems, electronic medical records, and other sensitive data to steal or compromise sensitive information. Using connected devices and sensors in healthcare can also create new attack vectors for cybercriminals, making it more challenging to protect against cyber threats.

To address these security concerns, healthcare organizations are implementing robust security measures. This includes encryption, firewalls, and security protocols to protect sensitive data in transit. Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments are conducted to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Most healthcare organizations try to educate employees and patients on the importance of cybersecurity and how to keep their devices and information safe. But security concerns are a major challenge when it comes to the integration of IoT in healthcare.

Privacy issues

A main privacy concern is the potential for unauthorized access and personal health information (PHI) misuse. With connected devices transmitting sensitive medical data to healthcare providers, there is a risk of PHI being intercepted or misused by unauthorized parties. This can include hackers, cybercriminals, or even employees of healthcare organizations who may have access to the information.

Then there's the possibility of device manufacturers or third-party providers using personal health information for marketing or other purposes. For example, a wearable health monitor may collect and transmit data about a patient's activity levels and health status, which the device manufacturer could use for targeted advertising.

So, healthcare organizations need to implement strong privacy policies and procedures. This includes ensuring that sensitive medical information is protected through encryption and security protocols and that patients are fully informed about what personal data is being collected, how it is being used, and who has access to it.

Healthcare organizations must regularly review and update their privacy policies and procedures to ensure they remain relevant and in line with the latest privacy regulations and best practices. They need to consistently monitor the security of connected devices and implement security patches and updates.

IoT systems currently in use in hospitals

IoT systems that are currently in use in hospitals include wearable devices (fitness trackers, heart monitors, etc.), smart beds (beds equipped with sensors that monitor a patient's vital signs, such as heart rate, breathing, and movement), telemedicine (the use of video conferencing) medication management (IoT-enabled medication management systems can improve patient safety by automating the dispensing of medications and reducing the risk of errors) and asset tracking (expensive and critical assets such as medical equipment can be monitored and tracked to reduce the risk of loss or theft).

These are just a few examples of the many IoT systems in hospitals. By leveraging the power of connected devices and sensors, hospitals can improve patient care, increase operational efficiency and reduce costs. When doing this, healthcare facilities look for how to implement IoT as securely as possible. This is where IoE Corp (Internet of Everything Corp) has an alternative solution.

The source of the security problem is centralized

At IoE Corp, we understand that the healthcare industry needs to transfer its digital data flow to a decentralized network to offer patients a secure platform. With the current centralized model of the cloud and the rise of IoT (Internet of Things) devices, the future looks bleak in trust, scalability, and sustainability.

Server centers providing cloud services throughout all industries struggle to achieve a stable data flow and cannot provide real-time data. A fact in their centralized model forces data flow to move from its initial point to these centralized server farms and back to the initial point, e.g., hospitals.

This data flow model creates issues, such as real-time data where it is needed and the well-known vulnerability to cyber-criminals. For healthcare institutions, these problems are not acceptable for the obvious reasons that they put the lives of their patients in danger. Hospitals must have their data at hand when required and within a safe environment to assure patients of a zero-trust protocol and privacy. Something that, at present, the big tech companies are not providing, as cyberattacks are a constant threat within all industries.

Therefore, it is fundamental to implement the Internet of Everything (IoE) to stand above IoT as a governing software solution to overcome current and coming vulnerabilities of data flow. IoE is the evolution of IoT. It implies connections with devices, data authentication, and communication with people. Its mission is to offer an architecture that allows people, data, processes, and things to communicate and respond clearly through data to information.

IoE Corps decentralized solution - Eden

IoE Corp believes in a technology built on a human-first approach, resulting in seamless end-user protocols. An infrastructure orchestrated through a decentralized, autonomous, portable, secure virtual infrastructure for managing clustered workloads over depos (decentralized pods) and services facilitates declarative configuration and automation. To attain this capacity, scalability, security, and sustainability, IoE Corp has built the Eden System.

Eden is based on a decentralized model and scalable device clustering, making it easy to add new devices as nodes, making it possible for any device to contribute computing resources over an intelligent mesh network so that computing can happen where it is needed and close to where it will be used. We have developed quantum-safe tunnels using polymorphic encryption keys and a consensus blockchain to verify the data moved between the nodes over the tunnels, thus creating trusted data-walled gardens.

The orchestration of computing and storage is done via service manifests that describe service rules, policies, and logic. Furthermore, an autonomous knowledge-based AI manages the underlying orchestration mechanics using network consensus over the blockchain as a deciding mechanism. The orchestration dynamically updates the cluster topography to fit the current workload. Eden System Service depos are generated and deployed similarly to container images; the depos are MPI cluster enabled from the start.

Activating Eden in the healthcare industry offers the benefits of real-time data to information acting onsite and a cost-efficient installation due to our curated approach. Instead of one size fits, which centralized solutions currently offer, Eden offers custom-tailored scalability.

How Eden benefits healthcare systems

Eden provides a defense against distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) because it is fully decentralized. Therefore, DDoS attacks are mitigated. There are no centralized points to takeout. In addition, the capacity to detect malware trying to replicate itself to other nodes is a solution actioned by verifying data traffic between nodes over a blockchain. Malware can be detected, and the infected node identified. Another vital solution is bad data and player detection, using verification and sanity checks on entering and transporting data on the Eden System.

To better understand Eden, it is essential to differentiate between our technology and the current options. Thus, Eden is not a traditional, all-inclusive PaaS (Platform as a Service) or IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) system. Instead, it is a secure-walled garden solution that operates at the service level rather than the hardware level; it provides features common to PaaS and IaaS offerings, such as deployment, scaling, and load balancing.

However, Eden is not monolithic, and these typical PaaS and IaaS default solutions are optional and pluggable. It provides the building blocks for building and deploying services but preserves user choice and flexibility where it is crucial. This means that it does not limit the types of services supported. The Eden System aims to support various workloads, including stateless, stateful, and data-processing workloads. If a service can run from a container image, it should run great on a depo.

Read more: https://ioecorp.com/

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