Eden brings you embedded AI on a cloudless platform
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Ola Brising

Lead Editor at IoE Corp
Published - 04/17/2023|Reading time - 5 min 46 sec

With the massive expansion of IoT technology, edge computing is used more daily. But what is this technology, and how can you overcome its hazards? IoE Corps Eden System brings a solution outside the box of expensive cloud services.

Edge computing is a computing paradigm that involves processing and analyzing data at the edge of a network, closer to where it is generated, rather than sending it to a centralized data center or cloud for processing. The "edge" of a network can be any device or node closer to the data source, such as sensors, mobile devices, or IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

The concept can be traced back to the 1990s when Akamai launched its content delivery network (CDN), which introduced nodes at locations geographically closer to the end user. These nodes stored cached static content such as images and videos. Edge computing furthers this concept by allowing nodes to perform basic computational tasks.

The benefits of edge computing

With edge computing, data is processed and analyzed in real-time at the network's "edge," reducing latency, increasing security, and enabling faster decision-making. This is especially important for applications that require low latency, such as self-driving cars, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

The technology can be used successfully in various applications, such as industrial automation, healthcare, and smart cities, where real-time data processing and analysis are crucial. It is becoming increasingly popular as more devices connect to IoT, and the volume of data generated by these devices continues to grow.

Edge computing helps to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to a centralized data center or cloud, reducing bandwidth usage and network congestion. This is important in environments with limited bandwidth, such as remote locations or areas with poor network connectivity. It is simultaneously a much more sustainable solution than sending enormous amounts of data back and forth to the centralized cloud.

Working on the edge improves the reliability of data processing by reducing reliance on a central data center. In a traditional cloud-based model, if the central data center goes down, all devices connected will be affected. With edge computing, however, processing can be distributed across multiple edge devices, reducing the risk of a single point of failure.

It can improve security and privacy to keep data closer to the source. This means sensitive data doesn't need to be transmitted across the network, reducing the risk of interception or theft. Edge devices can also be configured to encrypt data at the source, ensuring that it remains secure throughout the transmission process.

Edge computing also allows for increased scalability, as processing can be distributed across multiple edge devices. As demand for processing power grows, additional edge devices can be added to the network without significantly changing the underlying infrastructure. So for businesses that need to scale rapidly or who experience seasonal fluctuations in demand, it's an ideal solution in many ways.

Replacing the cloud?

There has been much speculation about edge replacing the cloud; in some cases, it may do so. However, the two have a symbiotic relationship when connected to the World Wide Web (WWW). For instance, services such as web hosting and IoT benefit greatly from edge computing regarding performance and initial data processing. But these services still require a robust cloud backend for things like centralized storage and data analysis.

Edge computing offers significant benefits over traditional cloud-based models, including faster data processing, improved reliability, and increased scalability. While edge computing is not a silver bullet solution, it's worth considering for businesses requiring real-time processing, high data volumes, or increased reliability. But it's also essential to consider the potential hazards and challenges that come with this technology.

Hazards of edge computing

Security risks are one of the most significant hazards of edge computing, especially when connected to the cloud. Data processing at the edge becomes more vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, and cyberattacks. While edge devices are often more exposed to physical threats such as theft, tampering, and damage, it also makes them more susceptible to security breaches.

Edge computing also presents data privacy risks since data is often processed and stored outside of centralized data centers. It can therefore be more challenging to maintain control over data privacy, which leads to risks of data being accessed by unauthorized third parties.

In many cases, edge computing is more complex than traditional cloud-based solutions as it involves managing a distributed network of edge devices. This requires specialized skills and expertise, which may be challenging for some organizations to acquire. Managing and maintaining edge computing can be challenging when multiple edge devices are distributed across a network. This makes troubleshooting problems and identifying issues difficult and may require extensive resources to manage and maintain the network effectively.

At last, there are infrastructure requirements. Edge computing requires a robust infrastructure, including high-speed connectivity, edge servers, and specialized software. Implementing this can be costly and may require significant investment in new hardware and software, not to mention proficiency training.

Eden - a perfect way to utilize edge computing

IoE Corp is paving the way, using edge computing, toward a seamless transition for IoT devices deployment from the cloud. Our solution is developed through a deep understanding of the internet and the problems when cloud service providers have serviced IoT data management.

To overcome the issues of security, privacy, real-time data, and cost-efficiency that cloud service providers haven't been able to solve, IoE Corp has developed a decentralized software virtual infrastructure that works as a cluster of devices at the source, secured by a blockchain (Yggdrasil). Utilizing edge computing, data processing runs through a knowledge-based AI -the Eden System.

The Eden System, as it is decentralized and uses Yggdrasil to manage the data generated, makes it practically impossible for cyber-criminals and cyberterrorists to access the network, as there is no central point for them to target. Eden is an independent platform running on the core internet but not connected to the WWW. Yggdrasil also resolves privacy concerns because it presents the possibility of keeping the data on-premises and providing data ownership.

It can use the power of the devices, nodes, or sensors at the source, creating Online Private Gardens (OP Garden). An OP Garden service comprises a secure pool of devices communicating over public-private key-protected connections and autonomously nominates workflow paths. A reality backed up with the blockchain that keeps track of all data movements and verifies that data received comes from another trusted node on the blockchain.

A secure, cost-effective, sustainable, and flexible solution

Keeping data generation at the source gives more security because moving the data to server centers is unnecessary. It also reduces costs tremendously as the data to information is refined onsite, consequently eliminating the unforeseen costs of data analysis, processing, and cloud delivery.

The Eden System drives sustainability, cost efficiency, increases productivity, and creates opportunities for innovation. With architectural flexibility and exponential technologies like AI, you can modernize your applications for improved ROI (Return on Investment), build edge-native applications, and manage them at scale.

Read more: https://ioecorp.com/

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